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"What if some of them don't quite go along with drag acts?"

"Darling, you are NOT in drag. You are a complete and utter woman and please remember that as I certainly think of you as one."

As if to emphasize her total belief in my lovely new sex, she calmly removed her petticoat and began to putter around in her lingerie drawer in her stockings and panties. She changed her bra in front of me as I sat on the bed and watched.

"Okay, so it is quite possible that Jessica and Merle just may recognize you but I can assure you that they are both enthusiasts. Did I tell you about the time when Jessica dressed her butler up as the maid to serve the drinks? It went down like an absolute wow and the girls were so diverted we didn't start our game until 8:30 and that's unheard of! We kept calling the bugger in for refills. She had to tip him fifty quid for that stunt but she can afford it and he made quite a good job of it. Anyway he was just a male in drag and you are a real woman. Just look at yourself in the mirror and tell me you are not a real woman. I am going to get your ears pierced when you come out of the army."

I suppose there are toy boys and it looked as if I was to become Aunt Helen's toy girl.

I wriggled my toes in delight.

"I think I'd like that, Helen dear." (I liked dropping the 'Aunt' sometimes) "What about a bit of jewelry now?"

"Well, that frock cannot take too much dear. It would be like gilding the lily. You can wear these pendant pearl ear studs and put on a woman's watch and a ring, but nothing else. It's a very striking dress and one doesn't want to distract it's audience with too many accessories like bracelets and necklaces and brooches. Straight away, one's eye falls on your hips and shoes and stockings. Go on, walk -I want to see you sway those hips."

With the extra weight around my bum I found it came quite naturally.

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